Monday, July 22, 2013

Reflections of Roadshow and Road Trip

Have we really been on the road just a day shy of a week? The time has rushed past. I haven't blogged as much as I'd planned, but I certainly have not been without a computer on my lap.

When Gena and I signed on to work on Genealogy Roadshow, we had no idea how much of our lives would be dedicated to this project. Seeing it come to fruition in San Francisco yesterday was an amazing experience and we were pleasantly surprised to see how many people could be crowded into a single building and then move almost like choreographed dancers to pull cable, move cameras and lights in and out, rearrange seating, and communicate with guests, participants, researchers, on-air talent, and the many, many people needed to pull off such an event. It was amazing!

And such a pleasure on this trip to meet people we'd been talking to over the phone over the past 12+ weeks. Efficient, intelligent, helpful folks, all working to make these two researchers (and, vicariously, the three who were not with us - Linda Serna, Jamie McManus-Mayhew, and Alice Volkert) feel as if our contributions were the major factors that brought the show to life (and, of course, that' correct).

So tonight we have an evening with the California Genealogical Society in Oakland and tomorrow I will be presenting my narrative program on "Elisabeth: The Story of a German Immigrant" in Sacramento. Then it's homeward bound.

I have the best travel companion and have enjoyed most every moment of the trip. Thank you, Gena, for all your work on the app, and the rest of the techy part of things. Thank you, all our sponsors, whose offers and support are not only helpful to us, but a boon to the genealogy world. And thanks to those who have been following this journey . . . it's been great to have you connect with us - in person & via tech means.

May your roots pursuits be full of fruits (and nuts and candies, too).


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